Arundhati Vashist Anusandhan Peeth
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Introduction of Arundhati Vashishtha Anusandhan Peeth

All human beings want to coexist in harmony with happiness but the modern civilization sees disharmony everywhere. The exponents of the present modern civilization find a panacea for every ill in economic development and increasing the number of gadgets for physical comforts. On the basis of these two factors the world has been classified by them into developed, developing and under-developed societies. But, the ills of the civilization are plaguing even the so-called developed societies. Examples of growing psychological disorders, terrorism, drug-addiction, and erosion of values, sexual discrimination and violence, degrading environment, increasing social discontent, insecurity of the individuals, societies and nations are some of the symptoms that indicate that all is not well with them. With all the scientific development and latest technology a solution for these ills and problems is not in sight. The entire globe therefore is facing a multidimensional crisis of alternatives in all walks of life -- ecology, policy, politics, social, psychological, spiritual etc. The discontent against the present day system is writ large on the faces of the people who when confronted with the situation feel a sense of helplessness. As a matter of fact all nations whether rich or poor have a troubled soul.

Unfortunately, during the past five hundred years or so the country has been made to lose confidence on indigenous sources, resources and experiences. The shattered confidence has become more visible in the last sixty five years or so when the governments of every hue and colour have copied the western models of development. The educationists, the planners, the doctors, the engineers, the policy makers, the administrators and people in other walks of life take pride in being and having been trained abroad (read the west) and copying their ways and models. Colonial mentality is continuing in all walks of life.

With all the scientific development and latest technology a solution for these ills and problems is not in sight. The entire globe therefore is facing a multidimensional crisis of alternatives in all walks of life -- ecology, policy, politics, social, psychological, spiritual etc. The discontent against the present day system is writ large on the faces of the people who when confronted with the situation feel a sense of helplessness. As a matter of fact all nations whether rich or poor have a troubled soul.

The present scenario presents a very grim and dismal picture and immediate solutions are needed. If all is right with the world, if all is fine with the existing model of the development that we are chasing or are made to chase. What type of politics/ policies should be adopted by the government and other institutions? How can the attitudes and practices be transformed to produce a world free from conflicts? What type of future do we foresee for ourselves and our future generations? These are some of the questions that we intend to explore.

The Peeth has been named after Devi Arundhati, a disciple of Goddess Savitri, a renowned scholar of Dharma's secrets and her husband Muni Vashistha who conceived and shaped Rama Rajya into reality. Emulating their examples the intellectuals, researchers, and academicians, etc. should play a vital role in policy formation and their implementation to restore Ram Rajya in this country.

Come, let us an interaction of intelligent-minds about the issues and their possible solutions to the present ‘problematique’ of the World under aegis of the Arundhati Vashishtha Anusandhan Peeth (AVAP).